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Fremont Personal Injury Attorney

Fremont Personal Injury Attorney

Your Trusted Ally for Personal Injury Cases in Fremont, CA

Serious injuries can be devastating. A person who suffers an injury because of the actions or negligence of another party will need to deal with large medical bills, and they may lose income if they are unable to work while they are recovering. They may even experience permanent disabilities that will limit their ability to maintain employment in the future. Injuries can not only lead to financial difficulties, but they are also likely to involve serious pain and discomfort, as well as emotional issues affecting a victim and their family. In these situations, injury victims will need to understand their legal options and how they can receive financial compensation that will help them address the ways their lives have been affected.

Fremont area Californians who have suffered serious or catastrophic injuries have a valuable resource in the law office of John J. Garvey, III. Mr. Garvey aggressively represents individuals and families in personal injury and wrongful death claims and lawsuits. He works to ensure that negligent parties who were responsible for causing injuries will be held liable for the damages suffered by victims.

Assistance With Fremont Personal Injury Cases

Examples of the types of accidents that our firm can help clients address include:

Hardworking Personal Injury Advocate

After any accidental injury in Fremont or the surrounding area, the greatest opportunity for gathering important evidence is in the hours and days following the accident. A wrecked vehicle, an eyewitness testimony, or malfunctioning industrial equipment may not be available for examination if you wait too long to call an attorney.

The law office of John J. Garvey, III serves accidental injury victims and their families in Fremont and nearby communities. We place a top priority on protecting our clients' best interests. Clear communication and convenience for our clients are hallmarks of our firm.

We work hard to ensure that our clients have access to quality medical care and can rest assured that their medical bills will be paid through the proper channels. Our clients entrust us with a very important job. Determining who is responsible and helping you obtain compensation is what we do well.

Contact a Fremont Personal Injury Lawyer

Contact the law office of John J. Garvey, III to get the legal help you need after a car accident or truck accident in Fremont or anywhere in northern California. Call 408-293-7777 to set up your free initial consultation today.

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