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Reducing Car Accident and Injury Statistics with Youth Driver Education Efforts

 Posted on July 18, 2016 in Car Accidents

San Jose car accident lawyerWhen it comes to shaping car accident and injury statistics on the highways, taking a proactive approach through the use of driver’s education is proven way to reduce the number of incidents and fatalities. This is especially the case in terms of youth-related accidents and injuries. Young drivers present a hazard for numerous reasons; not only are they inexperienced, they are more distracted today than ever before.

The Dangers Associated With Young Drivers

Distracted driving and driving under the influence are very real threats on the roadways, particularly where young drivers are concerned. Interacting with other young passengers, the pressure to drink or do drugs at parties or at friends’ houses and then drive, plus distractions from various devices all make it very easy for young drivers to lose focus or make poor decisions behind the wheel. This, in turn, puts everyone on the roads in danger, emphasizing the need for everyone, no matter what age or walk of life, to play a role in prevention.

Start Smart, Start Young

Despite these disadvantages, however, young drivers have the opportunity to acquire the experience and skills they need early on to become good drivers and establish safe habits that will stick with them for a lifetime. These habits begin even before they are granted a license. The California Highway Patrol has developed a handful of programs for young drivers to help raise awareness and provide tips and information for safe driving for those just beginning their journey on the road.

The Start Smart program, for example, focuses on highlighting the responsibilities that come with being a licensed driver in California. The program aims to reach drivers between the ages of 15 and 19, but parents and guardians are encouraged to attend the program’s course with their young adult drivers. CHP officers speak directly with both young drivers and their parents and/or guardians to address issues such as collision avoidance techniques and collision causing elements, including speeding, driving under the influence, and distracted driving.

Other state programs, such as the non-profit Impact Teen Drivers (ITD) program, focus on an informative approach to accident prevention via real-life accounts and presentations that have the power to reach young drivers on an emotional level. The Every Fifteen Minutes program is a two-day program that highlights risky driving behaviors and DUI, and how those decisions can impact the lives of friends and family members in particular.

In a perfect world, these efforts would prevent all car accidents and injuries. Sadly, youth-related collisions do and will continue to happen. If you have been affected by a collision that involves a young driver, it is wise to speak with an experienced Santa Clara County personal injury attorney today to ensure your rights are protected. Call the Law Office of John J. Garvey, III at 408-293-7777 for a free consultation.



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