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How Common Are Pedestrian Accidents?

 Posted on March 24, 2025 in Personal Injury

San Jose, CA Personal Injury LawyerThe San Jose Police Department tracks traffic fatalities. In 2022, pedestrians accounted for 32 of the 65 total traffic deaths in the city. As of March 3rd, 2025, four out of the six total traffic fatalities in San Jose have been pedestrians. Historically, San Jose has a high rate of pedestrian deaths as compared to overall traffic fatalities.

Not all pedestrian accidents kill the victims. Some result in extremely severe injuries that change the victims’ lives in an instant. A personal injury or wrongful death claim could provide you with much-needed and well-deserved compensation, but you are unlikely to receive as much as you are entitled to without the assistance of a skilled San Jose, CA pedestrian accident attorney.

Why Does San Jose Have So Many Pedestrian Accidents?

According to the SJPD, several key factors contribute to the high number of pedestrian accidents and deaths. Many of the pedestrian accidents reported happened after dark, with fatalities becoming increasingly common on multi-lane roadways in non-residential areas.

Like drivers, pedestrians are expected to follow the rules of the road. California classifies pedestrians as those traveling on a skateboard, roller skates, or on foot. Disabled persons using mobility devices are also classified as pedestrians. Laws state that pedestrians should use crosswalks when present, following WALK/DO NOT WALK signals.

Jaywalking is crossing a street mid-block rather than at an intersection. Because drivers do not expect pedestrians to enter the road in random spots, collisions often occur. When jaywalking is a factor, both the driver and pedestrian could share fault.

Pedestrians and drivers should focus on their travel to avoid accidents. Distractions can cause pedestrians to wander in front of an oncoming car or make drivers miss seeing pedestrians crossing streets.

When pedestrians wear dark clothing, they can be extremely difficult to spot after dark. Alcohol and drug use can delay reactions, causing many avoidable collisions.

Drivers and pedestrians can share responsibility for a collision. In California, you can still pursue a compensation claim against other at-fault parties even if you share the blame.

How Can a Lawyer Help After a Pedestrian Accident?

To have a successful insurance claim, you need evidence that proves someone else is responsible for causing your accident and injuries. Your lawyer has the resources to investigate your collision and uncover supporting evidence.

Damages in pedestrian accidents are usually high. In personal injury and wrongful death cases, damages are the specific losses you suffer and the money you might receive to reimburse or compensate you for them. Common damages in personal injury cases include medical care, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Wrongful death claims may also include funeral and burial costs, in addition to damages that reflect the family’s various losses.

The liable insurance company will almost certainly try to reduce the amount they pay on your claim. Your attorney will take decisive action to see you get as much as you deserve.

Call Our Experienced Santa Clara County, CA Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

When you need to hold a negligent driver accountable for a pedestrian accident, you need the help of a dedicated San Jose, CA personal injury attorney from Law Office of John J. Garvey, III. We have over 45 years of personal injury law experience, and we know how to win cases. Set up your free case review online or by calling us at 408-293-7777 today.

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