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Obtaining Compensation for the Untimely Death of a Family Member Due to a Truck Collision

 Posted on November 15, 2016 in Truck Accidents

San Jose, CA truck accident attorney, truck collisionWhen a family member passes away unexpectedly due to the negligence of a truck driver, your life is turned upside down. Commercial drivers owe a duty to their families, as well as to the community and other drivers on the road, to drive with caution. Yet many truck drivers face impossible deadlines imposed by companies trying to increase revenue.

Although restrictions have been placed by lawmakers to decrease truck accident fatalities, truck drivers may still cut corners with the approval of their employers. Yet who is responsible for the death of your loved one in these cases?

Unexpected Bills

Commercial trucks have strict regulations for several reasons, not the least of which is the obvious fact that these vehicles are significantly larger than typical passenger vehicles. When the two collide, the passenger vehicle often sustains significantly more damage. Victims of these crashes can suddenly and unexpectedly be left with bills, including:

  • Medical bills—emergency room visits, doctor visits, and visits to other specialists;
  • Vehicle repairs;
  • Rental car expenses;
  • Increased insurance premiums;
  • Paying the remainder of your vehicle loan;
  • Funeral expenses; and
  • The quality of living expenses if the deceased was the primary provider.

You Should Not be Responsible

After losing your loved one, the last thing you may want to do is to jump into litigation. Yet while no amount of money can bring back your beloved, your loved one would likely not want you to suffer through the financial burden following his or her death. Various factors can go wrong during truck driving, with several attributed to the selfish negligence of truck drivers. Accident-causing possibilities include:

  • Maintenance neglect;
  • Excessive speed;
  • Overloading cargo;
  • Equipment malfunctions;
  • Poor driving conditions; and
  • Driver fatigue.

Our goal is to earn the payment from every possible person at fault for the loss of your loved one. Your family should not have to endure this and fight this alone. Moreover, the responsible truck driver may not be the only party at fault for this accident, and we will fight to get the compensation you deserve from all sides involved.

If you are interested in discussing your options and would like someone to stand up for you, contact a San Jose, CA truck accident attorney, at The Law Office of John J. Garvey, III today. Call 408-293-7777 to set up your risk-free initial consultation. We have more than 45 years of experience defending our clients in Santa Clara County, Alameda County, Santa Cruz County, Monterey County, and surrounding areas.


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