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Car drives through Macy's in California

Car drives through Macy's in California

 Posted on January 19, 2015 in Car Accidents

A vehicle drove into a Macy's department store in Newark on Jan. 14, and four people were injured in the accident. The store was evacuated after the crash occurred. At the time of the report, authorities were still investigating the incident.

A representative of the Alameda County Fire Department reported that the accident took place around 4:50 p.m. at the NewPark Mall. A vehicle being driven by a 63-year-old woman allegedly waited outside of the store while a 12-year-old boy exited the vehicle to use a mall restroom. While the reason for the accident was unknown at the time of the report, the vehicle then jolted forward and went about 50 feet inside the Macy's.

The driver and two men shopping inside the store all suffered injuries, though the extent of their injuries was unknown, and a man who was in front of the store on a sidewalk went to a hospital with critical injuries. Another woman and a 10-year-old girl were passengers in the vehicle, but they were unharmed in the collision. At least two witnesses reported panic attacks after the crash.

Any motor vehicle accident caused by a driver's negligence that results in other people suffering injuries could justify a personal injury claim in civil court. Those suffering minor or severe injuries may need compensation for medical bills, time off from work or emotional pain and suffering. A personal injury attorney can help a victim file a claim to recover compensation for such accident-related damages.

Source: San Jose Mercury News, "Newark: Six injured after car slams into Macy's," Karina Ioffee and David DeBolt, Jan. 15, 2015

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